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Fauna Sunday


Praising the God of all Creatures - the practical challenge


Reflection from the Sunday gathering at Pitt Street Uniting Church, 30-06-2019


by Professor David Clough


Professor of Theological Ethics, University of Chester, UK


Include some of this WWF report in your worship



A liturgy from Rex A E Hunt




A liturgy written to go with Ray's video reflection, below


More blogs

Our friends at Common Grace have produced another SoC blog series 

Videos from previous years

Outlines a biblical case for either ethical meat consumption, or vegetarianism.


Vegetarianism is the biblical ideal in the creation narrative and prophetic imagination, but eating eat produced ethically might be appropriate today.


But Christians who subscribe to the fall/redemption narrative aspire to live as redeemed people in terms of God's original intention of loving God and neighbour, so why not God's original intention of animals being our companions, not our food?

Discipleship as ethical meat eating, or vegetarianism

Pastor Ray Minniecon, from the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, and Scarred Tree Ministries.

He reflects on the theme of our familial relationship with all of God’s creatures. He also encourages us to reflect on the relationship between first and second peoples in Australia, and wonders whether we should stick to saying “Creator” instead of “God” to emphasise God’s nature.

He invites us “back to the beginning,” to remember the goodness of creation, and to remember that salvation is something for God’s whole earth, not just our individual souls. 


There is a longer version of the sermon here, and you can download the liturgy to accompany this sermon here

Part of the family. Salvation for all Earth.

An intercessory prayer prepared to follow Andrew Dutney singing "Ashes to Ashes", at the 2013 Synod of the Uniting Church.

This time it is God interceding to humanity, through the voices of Louis Armstrong and David Attenborough.  David A has interceded on behalf of the rest of Earth to humanity for decades.


Also check out Muir's "Our place in the universe"- one minute and four minute versions

Wonderful world intercession


Join hundreds of other UCA people

and millions of citizens on


September 20th


in supporting the call of

students globally

for adults to join them in rallying

to address


the climate emergency



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